The Miracle of Rosh HaShanah & The Power of Yom Kippur 1 Comment / By Rabbi Mordechai Goodman / 10 September 2023 Back to: Miscellaneous Shiurim (Free)
Rabbi Mordechai Goodman 10 September 2023 at 11:07 pm The three days to approach Hashem. Duality of judgement & coronation. Every Yom Tov is a dichotomy of ideas. Miracle of judgement & joy. Eitz vs. Etzem. Prayer of the High Priest. Why say viduy? 4 creatures that pray. Log in to Reply
The three days to approach Hashem. Duality of judgement & coronation. Every Yom Tov is a dichotomy of ideas. Miracle of judgement & joy. Eitz vs. Etzem. Prayer of the High Priest. Why say viduy? 4 creatures that pray.