Megillas Koheles 8:2-8:8 1 Comment / By Rabbi Mordechai Goodman / 4 July 2022 Back to: Megillas Koheles / Scroll of Ecclesiastes (Free)
Rabbi Mordechai Goodman 4 July 2022 at 9:44 pm Why we show G-d allegiance. How much the stars play a role in human destiny. Which came first; the stars or the deeds? Difference between G-d’s Oversight & His Intervention. How can a single mitzvah save you from a bad destiny? Log in to Reply
Why we show G-d allegiance. How much the stars play a role in human destiny. Which came first; the stars or the deeds? Difference between G-d’s Oversight & His Intervention. How can a single mitzvah save you from a bad destiny?